Susan brings with her a wealth of education, experience and skills from the high-tech industry. She has a diploma in Web Design and Hospitality Management as well as a degree in arts with a major in commerce.
Susan’s interest in computers in the work environment began at the University of Toronto where she assisted in converting Hart House’s manual purchasing system into a computerized one. She worked for a major computer distributor, marketing such lines as IBM and Novell. After moving to Vancouver in 1999, Susan was brought into a company to develop and implement the B2B services tab of its website.
Over the years, Susan has developed many of the skills demanded for running a business: managerial, marketing, sales, supervising, negotiating, training, communicating, accounting and administrative.
Sue Studios Holistic Web Design was established in 2002. Her international web design business boasts awards:
- Sue Studios, Entrepreneur of the Year in Technology 2003
- City of Langley - The City of Langley won a 2003 Award of Merit as Best Local Government Website
- Nordic Living Water Systems - NLWS won a Torontoseeker Web Award in 2003!
Healing & Spirituality
Susan has a very strong passion for alternative holistic healing medicine. She has learned that healing the body does not necessarily require medication and antibiotics. It can be done naturally. Susan has explored healing and energizing the body through such alternative therapies as reflexology, massage, chiropractic and Tai Chi. Susan has achieved her second level of Reiki. She realizes that healing the body is only part of it and has explored ways to heal the spirit as well, such as meditation, drumming and painting with pastels.
Susan’s passion and interest in holistic healing has mirrored her own spiritual development. As a result she is inspired to help humanity find new ways of healing and expressing the energy of spirit.
"Engaging in spiritual practice has helped me stay connected to spirit and has helped me grow and learn. This connection has helped me stay in my integrity and’ walk my talk’. As a result I have a desire to assist others to live their light and shine as brightly as possible."
~ Susan Chepelsky 2009
Growth & Evolution
Sue's spiritual journey over the past 30 years has impacted both her life and business in positive ways. As a result of her continued exploration into holistic healing and spiritual growth, Sue has found that she is inspired to bring this new found spiritual energy to her web business. Both Susan and Sue Studios are evolving, bringing not just a holistic foundation to website design but also spiritual energy through integrated esoteric wisdom such as sacred geometry.
Spiritual Consciousness and the Power of Intention
On her journey, Sue has encountered many great thinkers and methods for evolving spiritual consciousness such as Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth. Susan practices the power of now and the law of attraction as described by Jerry & Esther Hicks and Abraham in her daily life.
Another powerful influence has been the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto. Demonstrating with photographs of water and ice crystal photographs, he discovered that water had the ability to imprint spiritual consciousness as discussed in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know.
Dr. Emoto discovered that the water had the ability to respond to the vibration in the spoken word, written word, pictures, sounds, music, emotions and thoughts and was able to capture this through ice crystal photographs.
Water exposed to negativity and violence was distorted and fractured, however, the water exposed to beautiful thoughts, feelings, words and music formed beautiful symmetrical crystal patterns. Dr. Emoto’s work and the works of others such as Dr. Wayne Dyer's The Power of Intention and the popular movie The Secret all emphasize the power of our thoughts and intentions.
Another important aspect of Sue’s experience and journey has been the study and practice of Native American teachings such as the Medicine Wheel and Shamanic Drumming.
The power of the drum is to send healing vibrations and energy when it is played. Sue learned to combine the power of the drum, with the power of Reiki and her intentions. She participates in drumming circles and also goes out into nature, playing her drum to the trees while sending positive healing vibrations out into nature. It is this kind of mindful activity that represents the power of intentions as discussed by Dr. Emoto.
Rituals, Symbols and Sacred Geometry
Rituals, symbols and sacred geometry have all played a part in Susan's spiritual development and growth as well as her business.
Rituals such as smudging, grounding, connecting to her spirit guides and setting her intentions before starting her day of work or special rituals during solstice or earth healing days have all become woven into the fabric of Susan's life.
Sue has a very strong connection to geometry, intricate patterns and shapes. Until recently she hasn’t been consciously incorporating these elements into her web design and thus found another outlet in which to let these inspired designs flow. This new outlet was the world of Positive Energy Generators (PEGs - based on orgone technology).
Living Green & Positive Energy Generators (PEGs)
Sue has found a unique outlet to express her talents as a designer and also live green through recyling her garage sale finds. The ultimate recycler of scrap yard metal and other peoples' junk, Sue takes these unusual elements and builds them into exquisite 3 dimensional pieces of reflective colour, light and positive energy. She has recently been incorporating intricate sacred geometric designs making their energy even more potent. Sue has named her creations Positive Energy Generators or PEGs. PEGs protect against EMF radiation from all electrical equipment in your home, office and environment, transforming negative energy into positive energy. While each is unique in its design, each also have her love, passion and positive intention programmed into the crystals and materials to be a loving force in the world.
You can purchase pegs at:
Innovating Web Design
As natural as it was to implement a holistic foundation to her web design back in 2002, Sue has reached another pinnacle growth and is applying her experience with the PEG designs to her websites. Sue's new websites will be designed with a vibrational alchemy that will create websites not only eye catching and unique but rich in positive and transformative energy.
Sue Studios will be incorporating the elements of energy, colour, symbology, drumming, ceremony and rituals, sacred geometry and the power of positive intention and the Law of Attraction into her web designs. Learn more at
Green Business
In addition to recycling the material used in the Positive Energy Generators, Sue Studios also supports green living. While modeling sustainability practices and other values, Sue is always on the look out for alternative sources to use at home and in business such as recycling ink cartridges.
Sue Studios also supports a network to bring green businesses, conscious citizens and sustainability-minded groups closer together. Please visit the Universal Healing Network for more information.
You can contact Susan at